Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Parkour Generations Training in the Rain
Sunday, November 25, 2007
BBC North - Parkour
This is a great video covering parkour and the trace parkour gathering that took place last summer. I love that they show how the authorities are not concerned or threatened by the practice of parkour in public spaces. I believe this is because of the disciplined and respectful attitude that many people who practice parkour demonstrate
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Barefoot Training
This is a video of a member of the TCT which demonstrates very dedicated and precise training, he is only 15 years old!
Remember that when training, safety should come first especially when training barefoot, make sure that your not going to be in places with broken glass etc. and build the strength up slowly to avoid risk and injury.
That said this video is amazing
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Parkour Coaching Indoor Training
For those of you wondering about activities that can be done at home watch carefully the conditioning aspect of this vid for some good ideas.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Chronicle Herald Article
We had a very kind lady named Tara Patriquin come out to one of the regular meets and ask some questions about parkour and our community here. It was a very plesant talk and a very good article came out of it. To view the article:
Click Here
Happy Training!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Parkour Coaching
Hey all,
Here is a video featuring some very experienced Traceurs with 7-20+ years experience
Sunday, May 27, 2007
A Taste of Parkour
Friday, May 25, 2007
Jump Westminster and Positive Futures
Jump Westminster highlights the development of Parkour as an activity to engage and encouarge children to be physically active. Featuring Forrest, Dan Edwardes and Stephane Vigroux of Parkour Coaching in association with Westminster Council’s Positive Futures Team, parkour is used to teach the young people about respect, discipline and how to look at their environment differently.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Run Without Rivals!
The members of this community stand firmly against the idea of organized parkour competition.
Our reasons:
We don't believe in elites.
We don't believe in any form of selection among practitioners.
We don't believe in the necessity of any form of hierarchy of performance among practitioners.
We believe to be "the best" doesn't mean anything in parkour, because winning or losing don't mean anything in parkour philosophy.We do not accept such a drive as part of the parkour philosophy.
Instead, we believe the drive to train should always and only come from within.We strive to be stronger for ourselves and others, not against people, but with and for others.Therefore, we reject and disregard any form of rivalry between practitioners.Instead, we value mutual respect and solidarity in making progress as individuals and as a community.
We believe it stands against the philosophy of parkour to compete to win or earn anything that is not part of parkour values, such as medals, prizes, trophies, money, fame, recognition, or glory.
Same goes about showing off for a crowd.
Instead, we look for priceless and beneficial outcomes to our actions.We also look for benefits we all can share.
We are givers, not takers.
Competition encourages the unready to sacrifice their health for early victories, or to reach a ranking that has no true meaning.
It forces elite competitors to constantly and repeatedly endanger their most precious good, health, because of obsession and obligation of victory, and whatever is at stake as a direct consequence of it, including money, rank or status, pride, and also professional or sponsoring contracts and profitable commercial deals.
It leads competitive practitioners to unbalance their training and focus only on the specific skills needed to win, leading to chronic injuries.D
espite official denials, doping is most of the time involved in every level of competition, that money is involved or not.
We believe the physical consequences of competing at high level goes against the philosophy of parkour which emphasizes on moderation and the necessity of enduring.
Instead, parkour is a humble, patient and lifelong discipline, and the human body requires incremental conditioning to ensure its resistance and longevity.Moderation is a truly important value of parkour and an indispensable quality in order to preserve oneself and for the body to endure.Therefore, we reject whatever goes against moderation and that impairs the body.
Parkour doesn't belong to corporations, sponsors, medias, and people sitting at home to watch.
We believe we must not accept activities and plans that are abusively called parkour, that misuse its name and hijack its image to draw public and medias attention to something that is NOT parkour, despite the resistance of the majority of the community against such intentions.
Instead, we affirm parkour is a non-competitive discipline that belong to all practitioners, to the local communities, to the teams and friends, and to the human race as a whole.
We believe we must stand together against ambitions that do not reflect the original philosophy of parkour and that are disrespectful to the parkour philosophy and the parkour community.
Competition is not inevitable - it is just another obstacle! Support original parkour, keep our discipline free!
(written by TK17/Erwan)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Community Vid
This video has been up on youtube for a while and it hasn't been posted yet so here it is.
Sorry for the crappy quality it was edited in Movie Maker ARRRGH!!!
Friday, April 06, 2007
The Future of Parkour -Blane
Here is an article I found on written by Blane. It's a long article but I think that it is a MUST read for all members of our community.
Please read
a) The process of making weaker or less concentratedb) A dilute or weakened condition.
c) A diluted substance.
I've not posted for a while as my mind has been busy and it's only now that I feel I want to share the outcome of my thoughts. This entry may offend you, it may seem like it's directed at you and maybe it is.
To quote Stephane Vigroux, "I think for many people it has to be more personal... everybody's moving... I'm really happy for them... but too quickly, too fast, too easy, too much show... too much."
1.) If you’re new to Parkour, research as much as possible and learn from the people who have walked the path before you, but do not lose your creativity and ability to think for yourself. Try new things, explore different methods and progress at your own pace. What you need to remember is that the people before you have more physical experience that has built what I refer to as ‘granddad strength’ and that cannot be taught or passed on. You can rush the theory but you cannot take shortcuts on the practical stage if you want to last in this discipline.
2.) If you are more experienced in Parkour and feel like newer people are better than you, do not feel pressured in to pushing yourself too hard or doing things just because they are. Try to warn them of the dangers of trying things beyond their bodies’ conditioned state - even if they can do something, doesn’t mean they should. They are learning faster than you due to the wealth of information before them, due to your hard work.
If you care for the future of Parkour then it is your duty to help them to progress sensibly and remind them that they should slow down when you think they are going too fast. If we do not do this, Parkour will slowly die as its practitioners become weaker and weaker duplicates of past traceurs due to injury, overtraining and joint destruction.
Are you going to help to dilute Parkour and the new traceurs, Or are you going help to concentrate it and strengthen them?
"Tread softly because you tread on my dreams." - William Butler Yeats
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Wed Training Vid
Here's a video that Devin shot yesterday and edited a little something together
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Sunday Regular Training
Sunday Training was awesome! A big shout out to everyone that came out. Here are some pictures that a photographer named Courtney Amirault took later on in the day and sent them to us recently.
Also for those of you wondering where that footage is that was shot on sunday it's beeing edited as I type and will be up on the blog soon.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Teige and Calum Training Video
This is a video of Teige and Calum from the UK this video was shot March 10th some really good stuff in there. Worth the watch.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
DimMonk's 2006 vid
who we met him in Montreal,named DimMonk, top form as always.
very inspiring. I know you will enjoy it!
DimMonk2006 - video powered by Metacafe
Sober Freaks
The Halifax parkour community was asked to be featured for the pilot of an internet television show called Sober Freaks. It's a show highlighting things people can do as an alternative to Drugs and Alcohol. You can find it on or link to it Here

Saturday, January 27, 2007
Parkour article on
The Halifax Parkour community recieved an e-mail today from Chris Conrad who has done an article on Parkour in Halifax for a blog sponsored by the Chronicle Herald Newspaper.
The article is entitled PARKOUR or “What are Those Young Folk Doing by the Citadel Hill Clocktower?” I think the article is very well stated and adds to the increasing positive image of parkour. It's a good read and well worth your time.
Read it here
Monday, January 22, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Montreal Video
Here is a video of the Halifax parkour community's visit to Montreal. Nothing amazing just more of a fond memory vid :P
A big thanks to everyone that made us feel welcome.